Sunday, December 16, 2012

Why Christmas MUST Go On!

I don't always manage to plan too far in advance for my preaching.  But  this year I was  WELL ahead of my planning schedule and managed to make decisions about Christmas sermons before November.

This year for the Advent season I decided to preach a series of messages called "The Journey."  Of course the impetus behind this  series was that biblically, there are a LOT of people traveling in the Christmas story, and in our 24/7/365 day world--we are ALWAYS on the move.

I began December with "In the Beginning" giving a biblical overview of why God came to earth. I followed that with "To Grandmother's House we Go" focusing on the genealogies of Jesus and why they are important. I had planned for today to be "Are We There Yet?" dealing with the prophecies of Christmas (especially Isaiah).  And then...Friday came, even while I was studying the last few passages of my message I heard the report that there had been yet another school shooting...this time in Newtown, CT and elementary children were killed.

All through the day, through the night, throughout Saturday and most of the evening I prayed and struggled. When Columbine,Virginia Tech, and 911 happened I somehow addressed each event from the pulpit with a defense of free will and the falleness of humanity but with a focus on what God has done through Christ to reconcile these issues and offer hope. Regardless, what would I say now that innocent elementary children have lost their lives!?!?  In the broadest sweeping generalization there is really no difference but existentially I knew better, and SO close to Christmas!

I continued to struggle...should I alter my message?  Should I continue on with my original plan?  Should I scrap what I had and start again by addressing familiar issues when tragedy strikes?

The more I wrestled the more, I think, God spoke "peace" to my heart.  I did alter my message, a little, but by-and-large it was exactly what I had prepared and I think it is important enough to share here...NOT because the message was anything great--but precisely to demonstrate how God work...

I altered the opening...instead of what I had planned, I told them about my dilemma, then I clearly stated that sometimes on our journey to find Jesus we must travel through dark pathways while we wait for the light--wondering IF we will ever get there!

I reminded them that Israel waited at least 1,700 years (assuming a "generation" is roughly 40 years Matt 1 states 14 X 3 X 40--imprecise and not factual but perhaps a ball park figure).  When Israel was at its worst, fearing that God had forsaken them--God raised up prophets who spoke messages of hope--that though the darkness seem consuming right now--Light is more powerful than darkness).

I focused on Isaiah 7:14 and 9:6ff--600 years before the Light...God was already at work in the darkness!  After an exposition of what the titles and implications of these passages means for the Christmas story I reminded them that even in this dark hour Christmas MUST go on...because without Christmas there is no hope that the darkness can be overcome.  Christ becoming incarnate is a historical fact but Christmas is not about what has been, but about what could be...because of what God does in the manger there is HOPE---the journey to find Jesus OFTEN leads us along paths of darkness but we need not remain in the darkness--because our God is greater than that.

If the comments after the service were any indication--God did exactly what He had in mind.  He took what I had already planned and made it speak hope to those who shared the heavy hearts of those affected by the latest attempt for darkness to overcome the Light.

This is EXACTLY why Christmas MUST go on this year!!  For this is the reason that the Light has come---to shine in the darkness and to offer hope to those who find themselves on the the darkness.

I believe,  help me with my unbelief.

P.S.  The following weeks in The Journey series will focus on:
  • 12/23--Mary & Joseph traveling to Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus
  • 12/30--The shepherds and wise men traveling to worship
  • 1/6--Simeon and Anna waiting for the journey to be over.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Christmas: With Fear and Intrepidation!?

It has been two millennial since the first Christmas...and yet the REAL story, and meaning behind it, hasn't changed.  That is why each year my blood pressure goes up just a little when I start considering Christmas themed preaching. I mean how much can continue to be said about it after 2,000 years before it all starts sounding the same? 

Unfortunately, some find this challenge to be too much, and they often "give in" to contrived consumer driven themes and messages or they simply whittle Christmas into a single message on the Sunday closest to Christmas.  I DO NOT believe that the message of Christmas can be contained in a single message--the scope of the narrative is far too broad and diverse to deliver in a single is a little more like an antibiotic that you need to take for awhile and let it run through your system! To that end four "fresh" Christmas ideas each year can be taxing (the longer you are in the preaching ministry the more difficult it becomes!) Resources abound, and often there are creative people all around you that can help if you would only seek them out and allow them to help.

So here I sit...four Sunday's until "Christmas" Sunday with my bible, a white board, a marker, and the what?

Don't be confused...I have been praying, studying, and preparing messages for weeks (but right now they all amount to a handful of notes, and another white board full of ideas)--it now has to be some coalesced into the "Christmas Magic" of the Word made Flesh (maybe an eggnog shake would help to "make the season bright"---sorry my mind wondered!!).

Here are some resources that I start reading in the Fall to help me prepare for this moment, I don't read everyone EACH year (though some are perennial favorites that I chose to read no matter what):

The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry
God With Us: The Miracle of Christmas by John MacArthur
The Case for Christmas by Lee Strobel
Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
Christmas: the Festival of Incarnation by Donald Heinz

New this Year (at least to me):
Come Let Us Adore Him: Stories Behind the Most Cherished Christmas Hymns by Robert Morgan.
The Christ of Christmas: Readings for Advent by Calvin Miller

Each year I combine these readings with what I am studying and reading in the Word different ideas and concepts "come home to roost" in my often cluttered and confused brain.  Though I LOVE the simplicity of the Christmas story just because it is an old, and well rehearsed story, doesn't mean that it should be boring. If the God of the bible is present "yesterday, today, and forevermore" than the "good news for all peoples" is that Emmanuel came, but is still present, by the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  The cradle could not contain him, the cross could not hold him, the grave could not keep him, and soon ALL will see that the child of Christmas is a King for eternity.

I hope, and pray, that these words of mine are filled with Him as together with other believers each Sunday this month we are faced anew with the startling prospect of God's love for us...and abiding agape love is just a little bit scary!

I believe help my unbelief.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Following the Evidence

I LOVE watching those forensic shows on TV.  All of them seem to have one common element—they are not allowed to make assumptions that are not based on evidence presented.  Therefore, as Grissom would say, they only interpret evidence to find the truth.  In theological talk that strategy is called “evidentialism” and it is a branch of apologetics that, in recent years, has fallen out of favor.  However, I don’t think that we should be too quick to dismiss this particular methodology because it can be helpful in finding a logical sequence to a line of thought.

Now that Halloween is over (even before that) we are once again inundated with the commercialism of Christmas—FAR before we have taken the opportunity to be thankful to God for His provision (which is what “Thanksgiving is REALLY about!).  I used to preach, write, and rail about this injustice but I woke up one day and decided it like throwing gravel in the Grand Canyon…Americans no longer care if they are gracious or grateful and therefore feel that they really have nothing to give thanks for since the “grass is always greener”…but I digress…

I think, following evidential methodology, that I can logically lead us to put three pieces of evidence together to show that we have MUCH to be thankful for and that until we learn to do so we will continue to be spoiled ingrates who continue to think that the entirety of the world revolves around us.

I am always amazed at those people who are interviewed by news personnel after some tragedy and they say something “pat” like… “it could have been worse” or “at least there was no loss of life” or “we just praise God everyone is safe.” Yeah, I guess in the face of tragedy we are quick to think in those terms, but I often wonder if those same people “practice what they preach” every other day of their lives?  I hope they do, I hope they value relationships, and family over all other “things” but I fear too often that is the case ONLY when they are faced with the possibility of losing EVERYTHING.  The apostle Paul reminds us to “give thanks in ALL circumstances” (1 Thessalonians 5:18—bold, italics, and underline mine).  Sure, it is easy for him to say…after all he is an apostle, perhaps one of the greatest apostles…it must come quite natural for him?  Not so, we are reminded in Romans chapter seven of the struggles that Paul continued to have with the flesh, and how the things he “did not want to do, that is what I do.” So when that was going on…was he giving thanks?

I think so…when Paul is sharing a bit of his testimony he states:
10 I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last you have renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you have been concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. 11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:10-13)

Look at verse 12…this explains WHY Paul urges Christians to “give thanks in ALL circumstances” because Paul himself knew what it was to be in need and to have plenty…and he CHOSE to be content…how and why?…because of what Christ has done to strengthen him (which is another entire lesson in and of itself).

So, in light of what Christ has done in every circumstance, whether it is the mountaintop or valley, we are to give thanks because Christ will give us strength to face the situation.  If you tend to be like me your cynical side is kicking in about now and you are unpacking your existentialist philosophy…”but he is not in my situation!” While it may be true that no two situations or people are identical let me introduce you to some situations that Paul found himself in: beaten and left for dead (on more than one occasion), bit by a poisonous snake, shipwrecked, imprisoned, given 40 lashes, chained as a prisoner…and let’s not forget that he was given a “thorn in the flesh” (2 Cor 12:9).

It is THIS very point that differentiates most of us from Paul…read carefully:

To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. (2 Cor. 12:7-10)

Paul realizes that God has “given” (suffering the gift that no one wants!) him this “gift” so that he does not become conceited…he pleads with God to take it away but hears the still small voice of God whisper, “grace is sufficient”—so he “delights” in all circumstances rejoicing in “weakness.”

Here in the US we detest “weakness.”  We always have.  As rugged individualist we crossed the ocean, established the colonies, opened the way to the west, and settled the vast frontier to become the great nation that we are.  At the first sign of weakness we react with swift and often, angry, solutions—culling that notion, and those, who are “unfit” because of their weakness.  This is often manifested in the “macho” movies of the 60’s-80’s—as much as I love John Wayne I cringe when he says lines like “never apologize…” or “never let them know you are afraid…” or “never let them see you is a sign of weakness.” And so we raised up three generations of men who instead of following Paul, followed Hollywood and actually believed that these things were signs of weakness and that weakness had no place in American society.

So let me take three pieces of evidence and put them together:

  1. Give thanks in ALL circumstance.
  2. Why…because Christ gives us strength in EVERY circumstance
  3. HOW…because grace is sufficient

Grace is often an anomaly or a “church” word that is attached to that one old song that everyone seems to love.  Though it seems obtuse and hard to grasp, it really isn’t.  Grace is simple to understand but hard to live. Grace is simply defined as a free gift from God (in His case of His Son on our behalf)—Paul says it like this “…God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). That is grace…we ARE sinners (law breakers) and even though we are…God sends His Son as a sacrifice so that we do not receive the punishment that we deserve for being law breakers.  Forrest Gump is an example of grace when after he becomes a “gozillionaire” in the “shrimpin business” he tells the town fathers of Greenbo, AL that he will “cut the grass for free.”  In response to his unexpectedly becoming a “gozillionaire” he no longer accepts payment for cutting the grass…instead he willing does the job for free---that is GRACE…and it is sufficient in every circumstance because through it we receive strength—so GIVE THANKS!

Given this evidence I don’t think that it is difficult for ANYONE to see why we have MUCH to be thankful for. We have been given SO MUCH but we are often so confused about what to do with it…we possess so much but have so little understanding…I believe help my unbelief. HAPPY THANKS-GIVING!!

Friday, October 26, 2012


We had been planning for months. I knew I wanted to return as soon as I returned to the states from my first trip (Feb. 2009). At each turn in the planning process, this time, something threw a wrench into the plan.  Conflicting schedules seemed to be the BIG issue (and we eventually left our son at college whom we wanted to take with us), then there were passport issues, finance issues, more delays...

But we made it!  We left the house Oct. 5th to drive to Atlanta (about 5 hours away) because it was the only way we could get a "single day" flight into Haiti (even though we did elect to spend the night in Atlanta on Friday).  We got up at 4:30 AM (now you know why we elected to spend the night!) to get to the airport to get our 6:30 AM flight out.  It was still dark when the plane taxied towards the runway--but the darkness gave way to dawn just was we were climbing to altitude. The flight to Miami was about 11/2 hours long and it passed quickly.  Once in Miami found our terminal, grabbed a snack, and by then it was time to board the flight to Port-au-Prince. The flight across the ocean is only about and hour and forty-five minutes so by the time we had a snack and a drink, and filled out the customs forms it was time to get ready to land.

The horrendous earthquake that struck Haiti occurred about 1 year AFTER my first trip there.  The airport was the first sign that things had changed.  Though some things were still the same it was obvious that the airport had suffered MAJOR damage and that repairs were still under way.  Once we deplaned we were taken by bus to what appeared to be a hanger where we went through customs and found our luggage.  Once outside we managed to make the long trek back to the parking area (all the ground that we covered by BUS about 45 minutes earlier) and we were able to easily make contact with our friend Choubert Remy.

I first met Choubert when I was an associate at 17th St. Christian Church.  A couple from the church had sort of "adopted" Choubert (several years ago) and his family allowing them to live in an apartment upstairs from their house while they were in the states.  Choubert has two daughters that were born, and live, in the US and they were part of the 17th St youth group along with my two kids.  Just this past summer one of Choubert's daughter was able to spend a week at church camp with us and be our missions representative...BOY were we glad to have her (we needed a little youth on our side!!).

When I was in Haiti in 2009 we poured the cement slab that eventually became the floor for the church building they are erecting.  Their house was outside Port-au-Prince proper and, at that time, seemed almost in a pastoral setting with fruit trees, and nearby open was quiet and seemed a long way from the "urban sprawl" of downtown Port-au-Prince or Petionville.  While we were their Choubert mentioned that one of the major needs was for a school to train young Haitian men to preach the New Testament gospel. It must have seemed like a dream.  After all, he had his hands full with a growing church, and an elementary school--all under the umbrella of the US organization The Haiti Christian Mission (which purposefully never appears in their buildings or in Haitian literature about the ministry).

A few months later, while he was in the states, Choubert approached me about teaching at an institute to train preachers...he knew I had the right credentials and some experience teaching at the college level...but there were many questions be answered and we obviously had no way to pay for it, nor did we know exactly how to go about such a task.  Choubert took the "bull by the horns" and began contacting schools here in the US for any aid they were willing to lend.  I know he contacted Kentucky Christian University (his Alma mater) and Lincoln Christian Seminary (where we both attended at different times)--but they didn't seem to be of much help. Undaunted he talked the idea up to those who were already supporting his ministry...he called again stating that someone had given money to start the institute...his idea was to use Skype technology and do most of the teaching "online."  In January of 2012 classes began at the Tabarre Bible Institute with two teachers (myself and one other) teaching 3 hour courses online using Skype, and four students.  The students meet in the back porch of Choubert's house and he projects the Skype signal onto the wall of his house AND serves as translator.  The first semester TBI offered Introduction to the Bible--Old Testament; and English I.  You would be amazed at the progress being made by these students who do whatever they have to do (work, school, family, etc...) all day, and then come 5 days per week for 3 hours a day for "online" classes!

So this trip...I went to Haiti for an intensive week of study with my first year students.  WHAT A BLESSING!!
My first year students.

 I was also fortunate enough to get to preach on Sunday morning at the Gallette Gareau church---fitting my message into an already existing series about "Growing in..."--I got to preach on "Growing in Grace"--what do you say to a congregation that, because of their life situation, probably has a better grasp on grace than I do!?!?  Regardless, it was a wonderful time.
Preaching on Sunday Morning.

 The Gallete Gareau Church started by Choubert--in Feb. 2009 our team poured the cement slab that became the floor of this building.  It has been 10 years in coming but the original vision is now nearly complete...and all done by HAND...they even make cinder blocks!!  It only needs a few more courses of block, the roof, and the finish work...but as is short and it will have to wait a little longer.

 While I was busy preparing for class, my wife and daughter were at the Russell Christian School helping the teachers out for a week.

There is still a LOT of work to do in SO many areas in Haiti.  Those who were affected by the earthquake are being relocated north of Port-au-Prince but they were promised so much and received so little that it is only marginally better than the "tent cities" that they were living in.
Area of relocation  2 years AFTER the earthquake--there are STILL a lot of tents!
 I will continue to teach online, praying, and hoping that God allows me another trip to do what I can for the folks in Haiti; to open their eyes to the Kingdom, and share the love and grace of Christ.

Sadly, as I type this tropical storm "Sandy" is slowly moving away from Haiti after pummeling the island with rain and winds for the past four days...once again...they will be left to clean up yet another mess.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I'M NOT DEAD...despite rumors to the contrary!

My assumption would be that IF I had any regular readers of this blog they would have thought that I would have died and not left a forwarding address.  Well...if stress kills than I surely must be standing on the precipice...our lives continue to be a study in chaos, instability, and transition (even more than USUAL). All that being said, with part-time (actually full time but with part-time pay) ministry and teaching classes online I just don't have the energy any more nor do I feel like I have a lot left to share that matters.

Since the last post I have failed to find a suitable full-time ministry, sent one of my children off to college, grown a years older (at least as far as the calendar goes--seems like 10 to me), and I have continued to struggle with health issues that would have been taken care of had I either been on welfare or had insurance...but in our world today there is really no place for a person who is REALLY trying and simply failing---you either have to be "in the system" or succeeding enough to afford life (of which I am neither). If the price of food, gasoline, and the price of utilities continues to go up we will all soon be loosing weight, walking, and staying either a LOT cooler or a LOT warmer (depending on the present temps).

MANY friends who believe in my ministry are helping us take a mission trip to Haiti next month.  We could not afford to go without their support.  Unless we run into other health issues that prevent the trip we will leave the US for seven days in Haiti early next month.  It will be a welcome change from what has become our routine.  It is life-changing!  While it is easy to complain and feel sorry for oneself in light of their own situation and when measuring one against other's is quite impossible to be in someplace like Haiti and feel sorry for oneself.  Even the poorest among our social classes in the US would be considered wealthy among the Haitians...and they have no government support so there is no way that they can "work the system"--they just live to survive one more day eking out an existence all on their own.  I would say that it will be good for me to get a dose of reality.  

God has a way of doing that...just when we think we have reached the end of our rope, he sends us down a longer rope to have a look at someone else's has never been a comparison game...we must learn, as Paul did, to "be content in all situations" and to know that "HIS grace is sufficient for me."

The harder I kick...the more ground I lose...but apparently I am not learning many lessons.  It shouldn't be this hard, and the struggle shouldn't tax me like this after all these years.  Maybe I am just weary of the fight.  I just want to go home...wherever that is.

"I me in my unbelief"

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Jesus I Can Live Without: Pt 2

Here we are in the midst of another election year...all eyes are on the races...but frankly I don't feel like I have a "horse to back" in this race.  I typically choose to be "a-political" NOT because I don't have strong views about "hot button" issues that candidates are going to have to wrestle with, nor because I think that politics are an unimportant part of our everyday lives...they obviously are.

However, I remain "a-political" because I don't think that all problems can be solved with the "correct politics" (as if there were such a thing). The LARGEST problems that plague our postmodern world are not political but moral and spiritual problems that cannot be solved by ANY political approach. Whether they want it or not (or believe that it is objectively possible any more) what the world needs right now is a good dose of TRUTH. Not facts because facts do not equal truth...we have all seen how facts can be turned and twisted and heaven knows that there is enough lying going on in both politics (and I HATE to say it...) religion.

Therefore, the second Jesus that I can live without is the "Political Jesus."  You know that one that chooses sides because of platforms and  chooses"moral integrity" over those other sinners.  I believe that Habakkuk voiced it nicely, (and Paul reiterates), "there are none who are righteous...not even one!" I think that Jesus is concerned about our beliefs and that He needs to be Lord of our votes...but I don't think He represents a political party or a political agenda...after all Hitler thought that God was on the side of the Fatherland when the Nazi regime was taking over!!!

We have to stop forcing Jesus into our mold and asking Him to back our views without asking Him for direction.  Neither red or blue equal Jesus (or for that matter red, white, and blue!), and a "party" does not speak for Jesus.  The Psalmist clearly says that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God...if you have stopped to look around lately you should see that there is neither fear nor wisdom in our nation any stop acting like God is backing your candidate!!

Jesus is neither a "liberal" or a "conservative" these are but mere terms that humanity has invested with certain meanings to push certain political agendas...but Jesus didn't do this..he said give the government what belongs to the government and give to God what belongs to God, He was an advocate of supporting those in roles of authority (as long as they didn't clash with God...gee I guess that's why He doesn't support ANY of them today!) I think the bible shows that Jesus was concerned with a multitude of moral and social issues but only as they were filtered through His lens of the Kingdom of God and our place in it.

The longer I live and the more I learn I am continually impressed by Jesus' concern for things that we have left behind as unimportant...things like, justice, truth, freedom, mercy, and forgiveness...yeah I know that they are all antiquated terms that have fallen in disrepair...but I think Jesus felt strongly about these things because they were the core of the people's lives that Jesus was touching...when an immoral woman was flung to the ground in front of Jesus the crowd expected condemnation (or at least they were attempting to trick Jesus into a trap) but moved by the person, not the agenda, Jesus gave mercy...but not without a single thread attached..."woman...where are your accusers?...then neither do I accuse you, go and SIN NO MORE."

We are quick to throw the "sin no more" up to folks who disagree with us..."Jesus didn't let her off the hook...he told her to stop"--I guess that is is right there in print...but my assumption about that text is that Jesus encouraged her to stop, knowing full well that she had received grace but would continue to struggle with why should our political views do more or less for those we both agree and disagree with?

Some political decisions that people make infuriate me..."hot button" moral issues don't always go the way that I would like them I voice my opinion at the poles, knowing full well that nothing that happens in Washington, or the world is going to catch God off guard.  So stop trying to get me to vote for your Jesus, and stop trying to convince me that Jesus is either red or blue (and backs an agenda)...because I can certainly live without a "political Jesus"...I have enough trouble with the One that roams around in my head,  heart, and life!! I believe, help me with my unbelief.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

"Offering Sacrifices in the Shade?"

I have recently been studying through the book of Hosea.  It is a STARK contrast to my usual studies but I am gleaning MUCH from this 7th century prophet who the Lord sent to the Northern Kingdom of Israel during a time of great prosperity but spiritual poverty.

Stuart thinks that the entirety of chapter four can be seen as a "courtroom drama" where YHWH acts as prosecutor, jury, and judge.  In particular verses 11-14 are accusations against Israel for their false cultic worship and "prostituting" themselves with the gods of the Canaanites (Baal and Asteroth).

While studying verse thirteen something struck me...I had to read it over and over again:

"They sacrifice on the mountaintops and burn offerings on the hills, under oak, poplar and terebinth, where the shade is pleasant."

Okay...maybe I'm just dumb...but did you get it?  They sacrificed on mountaintops and offered burnt offerings on the hills...which is where the shrines and altars of both YHWH and Baal would have been (so their worship was syncretistic at BEST) BUT here is what struck me...they sat under the trees in the shade while the sacrifices were made and then enjoyed a picnic with what they were allowed to partake other words...they made themselves as COMFORTABLE as possible while they "worshipped." It seems to me that God is condemning those worshippers who not only worship false gods but also who seek their own comfort while doing so!!

This REALLY hit home (theologically) with me...please don't misunderstand I LIKE to be in a warm place in the winter and a cool place in the summer when I worship...but I think that there is a spiritual precedent here that has NOTHING to do with temperature!!

When we come to worship, Paul says in Romans 12, we should "offer (present) ourselves as living sacrifices"  which I always believed meant that we should offer something costly to God...ourselves.  Offerings and sacrifices have caused more trouble in Scripture...they were the issue with Cain and Abel; Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son Isaac, they were at the core if Israel's issue with the golden calf, and Jesus had more than a few words with the Pharisees and Saducees about such practices.  

The original ideal in the sacrificial system was to bring the best that you could afford (that is why God sent Jesus...he was the BEST!). We are asked to do this as a reminder that God is our provider and as such we need to make him first in our lives...therefore our sacrifice should be costly...we might even say that it should cost us our lives (to give it to God)...but I am afraid that we, the Church of 2012, have fallen into the same trap as Israel...God has blessed us so we have become "comfortable" (to use Hosea's words) while making our sacrifices in the shade...HEAVEN forbid that we would be uncomfortable while doing our spiritual thing!

It is a vivid picture...can't you imagine them in their finest frockery, constantly moving their lawn chairs around to avoid the sun, fanning themselves, sitting in the shade with a tall glass of whatever they drank that was cool, discussing everything they could imagine...never once stopping to consider what was going on around them or what they were REALLY there for...atonement (the forgiveness of sin).

Too often I am afraid that this is what God sees when He looks at His Church today..."fiddling while Rome burns"...paying attention to everything except what they should be, and offering worship that only costs us an hour a week. God help me NEVER to be comfortable while people are lost and dying.

I my unbelief.

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Jesus I Could Do Without Pt. 1

The "Friendship" Jesus

This stereotypical Jesus has appeared in modern and postmodern literature and music within the Church since the "Jesus Movement" of the late 60's and early 70's (though there are earlier references to be sure...such as the hymn "Jesus is All the World to Me...He's my friend.").  In the movie Dogma this Jesus is referred to as the "Buddy Jesus" (see picture below). This Jesus is a TRUE friend who will never let you down and is always there when you have some narcissistic felt need that must be met.  He is completely compassionate and understands like no other will, in fact He will tell you EXACTLY what you want to hear to make you feel better.  He is AWESOME to "hang with" and is just fine being your "bro!"   And last but not least...He makes life "happy"...and who doesn't want that?

To be sure the bible does speak about friendship, Jesus will NEVER leave us orphaned or abandoned, He is compassion incarnate, and He IS the giver of peace...BUT...

K.H. Rengstorf in an article in Kittle's theological dictionary on the Greek term for "friend" (hetairos) states it like this:

The term is used for--companion, fellow soldier, member of the same party or religious society, a pupil, a friend or a colleague...the ONLY NT use is in Matthew (20:3; 22:12; 26:50)...the meaning is "friend" but in each case with the implication of a distinct relationship in which there is generosity on the one part and abuse of it on the other...


In other words, Jesus has no interest in being our "bud!" Jesus' primary interest in us is theological (soteriological) and our earthly lives friendship is not usually costly (though it probably should be, in reality it is not)...DO NOT MISUNDERSTAND...relationship with Christ IS THE KEY...but our relationship to Christ is bilaterally cost God His Son, Jesus his life, and they demand our life in return. I HATE taking up my cross daily...having Jesus be my best friend is easier and therapeutic...but to borrow a term from Bonhoeffer "cheap grace" is no grace at all. I think I can live without Jesus being my friend...but I cannot live without Him being my Savior.  I me in my unbelief.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Nature Abhors a Vacuum?

“Nature abhors a vacuum” is an ancient proverb (quoted as early as 1532) but often attributed to Aristotle and directly linked to philosopher Baruch Spinoza in his work Ethics (1677). Though it may be a proverb of sorts it is actually an idiom used to express the idea that empty or unfilled spaces are unnatural as they go against the laws of nature and physics. Actually…they don’t…they can’t... I have SO many questions about this…if only I were smart enough to be a physicist!

I have heard this idiom applied to nearly every possible human condition…from using it as an excuse to not perform the task of vacuuming rugs or carpets, to rationalizing a minimalist lifestyle because humanity inherently “never has enough”—hence we continue to fill the vacuum!! I was actually hoping to make a spiritual application but I am uncertain as to whether it might have any application that doesn’t seem completely nonsensical.

Today I posted a recent quote from Ed Stetzer on Facebook: “a church not using social media today is like a preacher in the pulpit without a microphone and without an audience” (the quote is telling in itself because MANY of the older generations would have grown up in churches where preachers would not have used microphones…clearly it is an analogy intended for younger audiences).  I questioned after the quote whether the Church might be moving from a Gutenberg type paradigm towards a Google paradigm…has the Church finally embraced a new paradigm? My post elicited quite a few responses about paradigm shifting and the inherent difference between “high tech” and “high touch” outreach and discipleship (which was not my intent in the original post).

I was hoping to probe a little deeper.  If the idiom “nature abhors a vacuum” is even partially true why is the paradigm that is emerging after postmodernism taking SO long to actualize?  I have studied with great interest the shift between the Modern and the Postmodern where philosophical ideas eroded away the bedrock of modernity until it actually gave way to Postmodernity.  This move, in itself, caused a firestorm of controversy and was seen as a mistrusted step for the moderns who are quite at home in the Gutenberg world, but it seemed to actualize MUCH quicker.  Once, as Easum puts it, we discovered we were in the “wormhole” the process materialized fairly quickly (perhaps a mere 50 years?)

But now we are caught in the wormhole of what is coming next and the entropy that has ensued.  It appears nature doesn’t abhor a vacuum or things would be changing much more rapidly than they are!! I understand, in part, that for the first time since Gutenberg our world is in a state of information overload… "Googlemania” (contra Neil Postman’s 1992 work, Technopoly, where he argues that technical calculation is a higher function, and therefore superior to, human judgment.  Because of this thesis Postman argues that the affairs of citizens are best guided, and conducted by, experts.  Clearly, his thesis has been proven wrong by the plethora of information we now have from those who are not experts at all…need proof…I direct you to ANY community college student’s research papers…how many bibliographic entries are from Wikipedia? [What? It’s on the internet…it must be true and trustworthy!]) However, there must be ways to manage what we have become in the Google world (actually I would be hard pressed to accomplish anything these days without the "luxury" that technology affords me...from dropbox on my home, office, and missionary friend in Haiti's computers, to Skype, not to mention cell phones, etc...and I have barely embraced technology when compared to some).

So what has all this to do with Church or spirituality? The Church has been historically slow (a HUGE understatement) to accept paradigm shifts.  The Church actually just caught up to Modernism in the 1970’s and 80’s while the rest of the world was already shifting to Postmodernism (in ideas if not in actuality). So, true to form, the Church is once again behind the culture (just once it would be refreshing if the Church were proactive instead of reactive…but I don’t think that has happened since Acts chapter 2), and is showing a stubborn refusal to accept (though many claim they have in the name of being “relevant” to the culture…a term they apparently cannot define…one does not make the Holy Spirit “relevant”…by nature of Its’ ontological presence it is “relevant”—ALWAYS) the huge shift that the world is undergoing.
I have spent my entire career (if that is even an appropriate term as I hardly see it as a career as much as it has been a continuous and ongoing struggle…like Jacob wrestling with God on Bill Murray’s version of Groundhog Day!!) trying to understand how this has occurred, is occurring, and will, eventually complete the process. I, unfortunately, am a part of the “bridge” (some prefer “gap”) generation who were actually born into Modernity but was educated and lived in a postmodern world.  This means that I sociologically have a split personality!  I am the proverbial Colossus of Rhodes with one foot in the future and one foot in the past (or in his case straddling the harbor!). When I first came to understand this I thought it would serve me well in the Church...but it has not. I am too old for the "new" and to "new" for the old.

I guess what I am trying to say is that I am tired of being “the bridge” (at this point I think I’d rather be the troll that lives under the bridge!!) I am tired of constantly having to reinvent the wheel every week. I once complained to a mentor that the location of my ministry didn’t seem to fit with my experience and education and he quipped, “perhaps you were sent there to bring them into the 21st century”…well here we are, firmly established in the 21st century and I haven’t accomplished anything but obesity, high blood pressure, and enough stress to kill a “small” (read normal sized) person!!  Is that the sucking sounds of a vacuum I hear in the distance…surely it cannot be since “nature abhors a vacuum”…or not. I believe, help me in my unbelief.