Here we are in the midst of another election year...all eyes are on the races...but frankly I don't feel like I have a "horse to back" in this race. I typically choose to be "a-political" NOT because I don't have strong views about "hot button" issues that candidates are going to have to wrestle with, nor because I think that politics are an unimportant part of our everyday lives...they obviously are.
However, I remain "a-political" because I don't think that all problems can be solved with the "correct politics" (as if there were such a thing). The LARGEST problems that plague our postmodern world are not political but moral and spiritual problems that cannot be solved by ANY political approach. Whether they want it or not (or believe that it is objectively possible any more) what the world needs right now is a good dose of TRUTH. Not facts because facts do not equal truth...we have all seen how facts can be turned and twisted and heaven knows that there is enough lying going on in both politics (and I HATE to say it...) religion.
Therefore, the second Jesus that I can live without is the "Political Jesus." You know that one that chooses sides because of platforms and chooses"moral integrity" over those other sinners. I believe that Habakkuk voiced it nicely, (and Paul reiterates), "there are none who are righteous...not even one!" I think that Jesus is concerned about our beliefs and that He needs to be Lord of our votes...but I don't think He represents a political party or a political agenda...after all Hitler thought that God was on the side of the Fatherland when the Nazi regime was taking over!!!
We have to stop forcing Jesus into our mold and asking Him to back our views without asking Him for direction. Neither red or blue equal Jesus (or for that matter red, white, and blue!), and a "party" does not speak for Jesus. The Psalmist clearly says that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of God...if you have stopped to look around lately you should see that there is neither fear nor wisdom in our nation any stop acting like God is backing your candidate!!
Jesus is neither a "liberal" or a "conservative" these are but mere terms that humanity has invested with certain meanings to push certain political agendas...but Jesus didn't do this..he said give the government what belongs to the government and give to God what belongs to God, He was an advocate of supporting those in roles of authority (as long as they didn't clash with God...gee I guess that's why He doesn't support ANY of them today!) I think the bible shows that Jesus was concerned with a multitude of moral and social issues but only as they were filtered through His lens of the Kingdom of God and our place in it.
The longer I live and the more I learn I am continually impressed by Jesus' concern for things that we have left behind as unimportant...things like, justice, truth, freedom, mercy, and forgiveness...yeah I know that they are all antiquated terms that have fallen in disrepair...but I think Jesus felt strongly about these things because they were the core of the people's lives that Jesus was touching...when an immoral woman was flung to the ground in front of Jesus the crowd expected condemnation (or at least they were attempting to trick Jesus into a trap) but moved by the person, not the agenda, Jesus gave mercy...but not without a single thread attached..."woman...where are your accusers?...then neither do I accuse you, go and SIN NO MORE."
We are quick to throw the "sin no more" up to folks who disagree with us..."Jesus didn't let her off the hook...he told her to stop"--I guess that is is right there in print...but my assumption about that text is that Jesus encouraged her to stop, knowing full well that she had received grace but would continue to struggle with why should our political views do more or less for those we both agree and disagree with?
Some political decisions that people make infuriate me..."hot button" moral issues don't always go the way that I would like them I voice my opinion at the poles, knowing full well that nothing that happens in Washington, or the world is going to catch God off guard. So stop trying to get me to vote for your Jesus, and stop trying to convince me that Jesus is either red or blue (and backs an agenda)...because I can certainly live without a "political Jesus"...I have enough trouble with the One that roams around in my head, heart, and life!! I believe, help me with my unbelief.